Unit |
Badge |
Remarks |
Aeroparque (Autonomous City of Buenos
Aires) |
Destacamento Aeronáutico Militar Aeroparque (DAM Aeroparque)
(circa 1980 to the present)
Preceding units: Base Aérea Militar Aeroparque (1965-circa 1980),
Destacamento Aeronáutico Militar Aeroparque (until 1965). |
badge |
Unit managing airport facilities. |
Grupo de Guerra Electrónica (GGE)
circa 2007 to the present? |
Electromagnetic warfare unit operating Cessna 210 aircraft. |
Antuna (Province of San Luis) |
Campo Aéreo Táctico Antuna
(circa 1970 to the present) |
badge |
weapons range administered by the Villa Reynolds garrison. |
Chamical, ex Gobernador Gordillo (Province
of La Rioja) |
Escuadrón Apoyo Operativo Chamical
(Esc Chamical)
1997 to the presentPreceding units: Destacamento Aeronáutico Militar Chamical (1990-1997), Base
Aérea Militar Chamical (1981-1990), Centro de Experimentación de Lanzamiento
de Proyectiles Autopropulsados 1 Chamical (1961-1981), Centro de Producción
Chamical (1960-1961), DAM Chamical (1950-1960), Centro de Tiro y Bombardeo
Chamical (1945-1950). |
Operational deployment unit and weapons range employed in air and space and
weapons development tests (not known to have operated aircraft of its own). |
Comodoro Rivadavia (Province of Chubut) |
IX Brigada Aérea (IX Br Aé)
(1975 to the present)Preceding
units: Base Aérea Militar Comodoro Rivadavia (1965-1975),
Destacamento Aeronáutico Militar Comodoro Rivadavia (1952-1965). |
Air transport and ground attack unit operating Cessna 180, de Havilland Dove, de Havilland Canada Twin Otter,
Fokker F.27,
FMA Pucará, North American Trojan, Saab 340 and other aircraft. |
Región Aérea Sur (RAS)
(1968-2009) |
Civil aviation administration and control unit operating Cessna 182, de Havilland Canada Twin Otter
and other liaison aircraft. |
Córdoba (Province of Córdoba) |
Escuela de Aviación Militar (EAM)
(1937 to the present) |
Air force officers academy and national and foreign military pilots training
school operating Aero Boero
180, Beech Kansan and Mentor, Bölkow Phoebus,
Centrair ASW
20FL, Embraer Tucano, Eiri Avion PIK 20, Fiat G.46, Focke-Wulf Stieglitz,
Grob Standard Astir and Twin Astir, FMA DL and Ranquel, Schleicher
Rhönadler, LET Blanik and Super Blanik, Morane Saulnier Paris, North American NA-16P
and Trojan,
Percival Prentice, Pezetel Pirat, Schempp-Hirth Janus and Nimbus and other
aircraft. |
Escuela de Suboficiales de la Fuerza Aérea (ESFA)
(1989 to the present)Preceding
units: ESFA Córdoba (1979-1989), ESFA (1959-1979), Escuela de
Especialidades de Aeronáutica (1944-1959), Escuela de Mecánica de
Aeronáutica (1950-1953). |
Non-commissioned officers academy employing no-longer current airframes for
ground instruction purposed (BAC Canberra, Douglas Skyhawk, Cessna 320, FMA Calquín,
G-II, Pampa and Pucará; Hiller
UH-12, Morane Saulnier Paris and other aircraft.). |
Centro de Ensayos en Vuelo (CEV)
(1958 to the present) |
Flight tests unit operating FMA
Carancho, G-II, IA-37, IA-38, Huanquero, Mamboretá, Pampa, Pucará, Pulqui,
Querandí, Ranquel, Tehuelche, Urubú and other aircraft. |
Grupo Administración de Material Córdoba (GAMCOR)
(1995 to the present)Preceding
units: Área de Material Córdoba (1968-1995). |
Logistics unit (non-flying). |
Región Aérea Noroeste (RANO)
(1968-2009) |
Civil aviation administration and control unit operating Cessna 182, Rockwell Aerocommander
and other liaison aircraft. |
Escuela Militar de Paracaidistas (EMP)
(1944-1950)Preceding units: Escuela de Tropas Aerotransportadas (1943-1945). |
badge |
Airborne troops specialist training unit (not known to have operated
aircraft of its own). |
El Palomar (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Brigada Aérea (I Br Aé)
1949 to the presentPreceding
units: Base Aérea Militar El Palomar (1929-1949). |
Air transport and ground attack unit operating Airspeed Consul, Avro Lancastrian, Beech Mentor, Bell Iroquois, Boeing 707,
Bristol Freighter, Dewoitine D-333 and D-338, Douglas DC-3,
DC-4 and DC-6; de Havilland Dove,
Fokker F.27 and F.28, FMA
G-II, Junkers Ju-52, Lockheed
Electra and Hercules, North American Trojan, Sikorsky S-55, Sud Est Caravelle
and other aircraft. |
Área Logística Palomar (ALOGPAL)
2000 to the presentPreceding
units: Grupo 1 Construcción (hasta 2000) y Grupo Abastecimiento
Palomar (hasta 2000). |
Logistics unit (non-flying). |
Escuela Militar de
Aviación (EMA)
1912-1937 |
National and foreign military pilots training
school operating "Bols" and Mazzoleni "Quo Vadis" hot air balloons
and Ansaldo Balilla, SVA-5 and SVA-10; Avro Gosport and Trainer, Blériot XI, Bréguet 1913, Caproni Ca.33, Castaibert 912-IV, Caudron
G-3, Henri Farman 50 hp, Levavasseur Antoinette VII, Marichal Estudiantil
and Tipo Farman, Morane Saulnier A1, AR35, Parasol L and G; Nieuport 2-G and M.IV, Rumpler Taube, Santos Dumont 20, Voisin 5
and other aircraft. |
Grupo de Guerra Electrónica (GGE)
1993 to the present? |
Electromagnetic warfare unit operating Boeing 707, Cessna 210 and other aircraft. |
El Plumerillo (Province of Mendoza) |
IV Brigada Aérea (IV Br Aé)
1949 to the presentPreceding
units: Base Aérea Militar El Plumerillo (1935-1949), BAM Los
Tamarindos (1933-1935). |
Fighter, fighter-bomber, ground-attack and search and rescue unit operating Aerospatiale Lama, Curtiss Hawk 75-O,
Dassault Mirage, Douglas Skyhawk, Fiat G.55, FMA Calquín, Huanquero and Pampa; Morane-Saulnier París, North American Sabre, Northrop 8A-2, Sukhoi Su-29 and
other aircraft. |
Ezeiza (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Base Aérea Militar Ezeiza (BAM Ezeiza)
1991 to the presentPreceding
units: Escuela de Suboficiales de la Fuerza Aérea Ezeiza
(1979-1989), Centro de Instrucción Profesional de Aeronáutica (1960-1979). |
Ground training unit (non-flying) |
Región Aérea Centro (RAC)
1968-2009 |
Civil aviation administration and control unit operating Cessna 182,
Rockwell Aerocommander and other liaison aircraft. |
Garabato (Province of Santa Fe) |
Campo Aéreo Táctico Garabato
(circa 1975 to the present) |
badge |
weapons range administered by the Reconquista garrison. |
General Roca (Province of Río Negro) |
Base Aérea Militar Fuerte General Roca
(BAM Fuerte General Roca)
1978 |
badge |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Beagle Channel Conflict to
operate FMA Pucará aircraft. |
Gustavo Marambio Island (Province of
Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur) |
Base Aérea Marambio (BA Marambio)
circa 1984 to the presentPreceding
units: BAM Vicecomodoro Marambio (1969-circa 1984). |
Antarctic air base operating Bell 212 and Iroquois, de
Havilland Canada Twin Otter, Hughes 369/500 and other aircraft. |
La Cruz (Province of Córdoba) |
Campo de Tiro La Cruz
(circa 1970 to the present) |
badge |
Air-to-ground weapons range administered by the Córdoba garrison. |
Las Lajas (Province of Mendoza) |
Campo de Tiro y Bombardeo Las Lajas
(circa 1960-circa 1976) |
badge |
Air-to-ground weapons range administered by the
El Plumerillo garrison. |
Mar Chiquita (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Campo de Tiro Mar Chiquita
(circa 1970 to the present)
Preceding units: Centro de Experimentación y Lanzamiento de Proyectiles
Autopropulsados 2 (circa 1970-circa 1990). |
badge |
Weapons range employed in air and space and
weapons development tests administered by the Mar del Plata garrison. |
Mar del Plata (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Base Aérea Militar Mar del Plata
(BAM Mar del Plata)
1965 to the presentPreceding
units: Destacamento Aeronáutico Mar del Plata (1952-1959),
Destacamento Aeronáutico Militar Mar del Plata (1959-1965). |
Operational deployment base housing an anti-aircraft artillery unit. |
Mariano Moreno (Province of Buenos Aires) |
VII Brigada Aérea (VII Br Aé)
1988 to the present |
Helicopter unit operating Bell 212 and Iroquois, Boeing-Vertol Chinook, Hughes 369/500, Morane Saulnier Paris,
Rockwell Aerocommander, Sikorsky S-61, Swearingen Merlin and other aircraft. |
VIII Brigada Aérea (VIII Br Aé)
1975-1988Preceding units: Base Aérea Militar Mariano Moreno (1973-1975), Escuadrón
Mariano Moreno (1968-1973). |
Fighter-interceptor unit operating Dassault Mirage aircraft. |
Base Oficial de Aviación Civil (BOAC)
1959-1968Preceding units: Base Oficial de Vuelo con Motor (1956-1959), Dirección
Nacional de Aviación Civil (1955-1956). |
Civil application flying unit operating Beech Bonanza and Mentor, Bell 47, Cessna 180
and 182, Curtiss Commando,
Champion 7, de Havilland Dove, de Havillanda Canada Beaver, Douglas DC-3, Max Holste Broussard,
Percival Prentice, Piper PA-12, PA-18 and PA-22; Sikorsky
S-51 and other aircraft. |
Mazaruca Island (Province of Entre Ríos) |
Campo de Tiro y Bombardeo Teniente Manuel Origone
(hasta circa 1970) |
badge |
weapons range administered by the Morón garrison. |
Merlo (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Grupo de Vigilancia y Control del Espacio Aéreo (GVYCEA)
1988 to the presentPreceding units: Grupo 2 de Vigilancia y Control del Espacio Aéreo
(1978-1988), Grupo 1 de Vigilancia Aérea Escuela (hasta 1988), Grupo de
Instrucción de Vigilancia Aérea (1952). |
Radar unit (both fixed and mobile). |
Morón (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Base Aérea Militar Morón (BAM Morón)
2009 to the presentPreceding
units: VII Brigada Aérea (1951-1988). |
badge |
Presently, an airport facilities managing unit.
In the past, an air combat, ground attack, counter-insurgency and helicopter
unit operating Beech Mentor, Bell 212 and Iroquois, Boeing-Vertol Chinook,
de Havilland Canada Beaver and Otter, Douglas DC-3, Gloster Meteor, Grumman
Albatross, Hughes 369/500, Morane Saulnier Paris, Rockwell Aerocommander, Sikorsky S-55, S-58
and S-61; Swearingen Merlin and other aircraft. |
Instituto Nacional de Aviación Civil (INAC)
1973-2009Preceding units: Grupo Aéreo Estatal (1972). |
Civil pilots and mechanics training unit operating Bell 47,
Cessna 182, Chincul Pawnee Biplaza, Douglas DC-3, FMA
G-II, Hughes 369/500, Max Holste
Broussard, Piper Arrow, Dakota,
Navajo and Seneca and other aircraft. |
Nicosia (Chipre) |
Escuadrón Aeromóvil UNFICYP (Esc UNFICYP)
1994 to the present |
Peace forces unit operating Bell 212 and Hughes
369/500 helicopters. |
Nunatak Larsen (Province of Tierra del
Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur) |
Base Aérea Matienzo (BA Matienzo)
2006 to the presentPreceding
units: BA Matienzo (circa 1984-2000), BAM Teniente Matienzo
(1964-circa 1984), Base Conjunta Teniente Matienzo (1961-1964). |
badge |
Antarctic air base operating de Havilland Canada Beaver and Otter, Douglas DC-3
and other aircraft. |
Paraná (Province of Entre Ríos) |
II Brigada Aérea
(II Br Aé)
1949 to the presentPreceding
units: Base Aérea Militar Justo José de Urquiza (1925-1949). |
Bomber, air transport, photo recconnaisance and medical evacuation unit
flying BAC
Canberra, Curtiss Hawk III and IV, de Havilland Dove, FMA DL,
G-II, Huanquero and Tronco; Fokker F.27, Focke-Wulf Weihe, Learjet 35A
and other aircraft. |
Port-au-Prince (Haití) |
Unidad Aérea Argentina MINUSTAH
2004 to the present |
badge |
Peace forces unit operating Bell 212 helicopters. |
Pradera del Ganso/Goose Green (Province
of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur) |
Base Aérea Militar Cóndor (BAM Cóndor)
1982 |
badge |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Malvinas War to
operate Bell 212, Boeing-Vertol Chinook and FMA Pucará aircraft. |
Puerto Argentino/Port Stanley (Province
of Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur) |
Base Aérea Militar Malvinas (BAM Malvinas)
1982 |
badge |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Malvinas War to
operate Bell 212, Boeing-Vertol Chinook and FMA Pucará aircraft. |
Puerto San Julián (Province of Santa Cruz) |
Base Aérea Militar San Julián (BAM San Julián)
1982 |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Malvinas War to
operate Douglas Skyhawk, FMA Pucará, IAI Dagger and other aircraft. |
Puerto Santa Cruz (Province of Santa Cruz) |
Base Aérea Militar Santa Cruz
(BAM Santa Cruz)
1978 y 1982 |
badge |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Beagle Channel Conflict and
the Malvinas War to
operate FMA Pucará aircraft. |
Quilmes (Province of Buenos Aires) |
Área de Material Quilmes (ARMAQUIL)
1981 to the presentPreceding
units: Taller Regional Quilmes (1943-1981). |
Maintenance unit supporting and flying Aerospatiale Lama, Bell 212 and Huey, Bristol Freighter, de Havilland Dove, de Havilland Canada Twin
Otter, Douglas DC-3, Hughes 369/500, Junkers Ju-52, Rockwell Aerocommander, Vickers Viking
and other aircraft. |
Reconquista (Province of Santa Fe) |
III Brigada Aérea (III Br Aé)
1979 to the presentPreceding
units: Base Aérea Militar Reconquista (1965-1979), Destacamento
Aeronáutico Militar Reconquista (1952-1965), III Br Aé (1949-1952), BAM
Reconquista (1944-1949). |
Training and ground attack unit operating Beech
Mentor, FMA Calquín, Huanquero and Pucará and other aircraft. |
Resistencia (Province of Chaco) |
Centro de Vigilancia Aeroespacial Resistencia
(CVA Resistencia)
2009 to the present |
badge |
Radar and operational deployment unit (not known to operate aircraft of its
own). |
Región Aérea Noreste (RANE)
1968-2009 |
Civil aviation administration and control unit operating Cessna 182,
Rockwell Aerocommander and other liaison aircraft. |
Retiro (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) |
Jefatura del Estado Mayor de la Fuerza Aérea (JEMGFA)
(1983 to the present)Preceding
units: Comando en Jefe de la Fuerza Aérea (1976-1983), Comando
General de la Fuerza Aérea (1973-1976) Comando en Jefe de la Fuerza Aérea (1947-1973),
Comando de la Fuerza Aérea (1945-1947), Comando en Jefe de Aeronáutica
(1944-1945). |
Air Force Headquarters. For top brass transportation, operates
FMA G-II, Learjet
60, Rockwell Sabre and other aircraft. |
Río Cuarto (Province of Córdoba) |
Área de Material Río IV (ARMACUAR)
1975 to the presentPreceding
units: Taller Regional Río Cuarto (1943-1975). |
Maintenance unit supporting and flying Avro
Lancaster, Lancastrian and Lincoln; BAC Canberra, Dassault Mirage, Douglas Skyhawk, IAI Dagger/Finger, Learjet
35A, Lockheed Martin Fighting Hawk,
Martin 139, Morane Saulnier Paris, North American Sabre, Rockwell Sabre, Sukhoi Su-29
and other aircraft. |
Centro de Ensayo de Armamentos y Sistemas Operativos (CEASO)
1985 to the present |
Flight tests unit operating Dassault Mirage,
Lockheed Martin Fighting Hawk and other aircraft. |
Río Gallegos (Province of Santa Cruz) |
Base Aérea Militar Río Gallegos
(BAM Río Gallegos)
1998 to the presentPreceding units: X Brigada Aérea (1984-1997), BAM Río Gallegos (1965-1984),
Destacamento Aeronáutico Militar Río Gallegos (1952-1965). |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Malvinas War to operate Dassault Mirage, Douglas Skyhawk
and other aircraft. Also acted briefly as a fighter unit operating Dassault Mirage
aircraft. |
Río Grande (Province of Tierra del Fuego) |
Base Aérea Militar Río Grande
(BAM Río Grande)
1982 |
badge |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Malvinas War to
operate Douglas Skyhawk, IAI Dagger and other aircraft. |
Tandil (Province of Buenos Aires) |
VI Brigada Aérea (VI Br Aé)
1979 to the presentPreceding
units: Base Aérea Militar Tandil (1965-1979), Destacamento
Aeronáutico Militar Tandil (1956-1965), VI Br Aé (1955-1956), BAM Tandil
(1944-1955). |
Figher-interceptor, fighter-bomber, search and rescue and Antarctic air
operations unit flying Beech
Kansan, Dassault Mirage, de Havilland Canada Beaver and Otter, Douglas DC-3,
Focke-Wulf Stieglitz, Gloster Meteor, Grumman Albatross, IAI Dagger/Finger
and other aircraft. |
Trelew (Province of Chubut) |
Base Aérea Militar Trelew (BAM Trelew)
1982 |
badge |
Operational deployment unit activated during the Malvinas War to
operate BAC Canberra and other aircraft. |
Villa Reynolds (Province of San Luis) |
V Brigada Aérea (V Br Aé)
1949 to the presentPreceding
units: Base Aérea Militar Coronel Pringles (hasta 1949), BAM Villa
Mercedes (1938). |
Fighter-bomber, bomber and training unit flying Avro Lancaster and Lincoln, Douglas Skyhawk, FMA Calquín, Focke-Wulf Stieglitz, Junkers K-43,
Lockheed Martin Fighting Hawk, Martin 139, North American NA-16 and other
aircraft. |